Hair Transplant Operation Steps

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Hair Transplant Operation Steps

Hair Transplant Operation Steps

The simplest yet most detailed explanation you will ever find on the internet!

Hair transplant procedures are the best solution someone can think of to get rid of the problem of hair loss. Day by day these procedures are becoming more and more popular and advanced. It started with the FUT procedure, which leaves a large permanent scar, to the DHI procedure, which does not even require shaving!


We believe that the patient must be given all the information about the procedure and how it will be done step by step. Yes, we know that medical articles are not  fun to read, so we explain the procedures in simple and all-inclusive blogs and articles. At Esthetic Hair Thailand we communicate with our patients through any platform!


Read on to gain knowledge about hair transplant procedures, from preparation to implementation to aftercare.


Hair Transplant Operation Preparation


They say “being prepared is half the victory” and we say “being prepared is half the procedure”. Hair loss is a gradual problem, so the decision to have a hair transplant must be well thought out.


The first step to be well prepared for hair transplantation is to contact us and have a first consultation. This will tell you which method is right for you, how many grafts you need and what the hair design will look like.


Preparation then begins with following the doctor's instructions to pave the way for a successful procedure. You must stop smoking and drinking alcohol, as the ingredients of cigarettes and alcohol slow down the healing phase and can be one of the main reasons for the delayed results.


While the doctor is asking you about your hair transplant expectations, he will ask you about your medical history and medications you are taking. Medications that cause blood thinning must be discontinued 14 days prior to the procedure, such as aspirin.


Also, you need to protect your scalp from direct sunlight, because direct sunlight causes sunburn on the scalp, and a burned scalp is not what you need in a hair transplant.

How is Hair Transplantation Performed?


There are three main hair transplant procedures used around the world: FUT, FUE and DHI. But with FUE and DHI, people have stopped choosing FUT because FUT procedures leave a permanent scar in the donor area, usually the back of the head.


Follicular unit extraction and direct hair implantation involve the same steps during extraction, but they differ significantly during implantation.


  - Determining the Donor Area


The donor area is the area where the hair grafts are taken. And before the whole procedure begins, the donor area must be determined so that it can be prepared for the extraction of the grafts. The first step in preparing the donor area is shaving. This is done in both FUE and DHI.


  - Anesthesia 


Once the donor area is shaved, the doctor injects a local anesthetic to make the procedure painless and comfortable. In this step, the microholes are prepared for manual harvesting of the grafts. Local anesthesia is used for FUE and DHI.


  - Hair Implantation 


During the implantation step, the FUE and DHI, each has its own to implant the extracted grafts into the recipient area.


FUE implantation: the recipient area is shaved and locally anesthetized. Using a blade, the physician opens channels and begins to manually implant the harvested grafts one by one.


Implantation in DHI: The recipient area does not need to be shaved, but requires local anesthesia. Implantation is performed with an advanced medical instrument, the Choi Implanter Pen. This medical instrument facilitates implantation by allowing the grafting of hair follicles into the existing hair.


Doctor Communication before Hair Transplant Operation


At Esthetic Hair Thailand we pay attention to the needs of the patient by communicating with them and understanding their fears and expectations. We believe that the patient should be psychologically and physically prepared for the procedure.


The doctor will be honest with you and discuss the best treatments for you with their advantages, disadvantages and possible risks. In addition, the doctor will make sure the patient understands that results will not be achieved in the first few months and hair loss is to be expected. Therefore, the doctor will inform the patient about all the details of the procedure, the healing phase and aftercare.


At Esthetic Hair Thailand, we stay in touch with our patients after the procedure to make sure they have an easy and healthy recovery period.


Things to Consider Before Hair Transplant Operation


As we have already mentioned, the procedure is a turning point and helps the patient regain self-confidence by restoring hair growth, therefore, there are certain things that must be taken in consideration before undergoing the hair transplant procedure.


For example, there are certain things you should refrain from doing for a few weeks before and after the procedure. These include the consumption of cigarettes and alcohol, intense sports, swimming and other activities that can lead to the death of the newly implanted grafts.


  - Medicine That Shouldn't Be Used


There are certain medications that must be discontinued because they can negatively affect the procedure and increase the risk of certain complications during extraction or graft implantation. There are medications that must be discontinued, such as aspirin, Advil, and medications containing vitamin E. Many medications either thin the blood or increase blood flow. These medications increase the risk of bleeding during the procedure. For this reason, your doctor needs to know your medical history and what type of medications you take on a daily basis.


  - Clothing Selection


Your choice of clothing plays a big role in how comfortable you will feel, especially during the recovery period. Choose comfortable clothing with open collars or buttons to make it easier to get dressed and to avoid hurting the newly implanted grafts.


